Waterfall vs agile
Waterfall vs agile

With Agile, testing happens regularly through the whole process, so the customer periodically checks that the product is what they envisioned. The customer then has to find extra budget to get the product they now need. If the customer’s needs weren’t captured well initially or they have changed since the start of the project, testing may come too late in the cycle to make big adjustments. With Waterfall, the product is mainly tested at the end of the project. This is harder to do with Waterfall because the customer has to outline all their preferences upfront, without seeing a working version. Seeing a working version early on in the project allows the customer to say ‘I like this, but I don’t like that’, and so shape the product according to their requirements. In contrast, Agile builds a working version of the whole project ( an MVP) so the customer can shape how it’s built. Once a step has been completed in Waterfall, it’s difficult to go back and make changes. Not so with Agile – requirements are checked and confirmed throughout the project. However, if these requirements aren’t documented precisely, or there was a misunderstanding around the detail of what the customer wanted, it makes things very difficult. Waterfall relies heavily on initial requirements. In the realm of CRM deployments, here are 5 reasons why we believe Agile is better than Waterfall. It’s better for our customers, and that means it’s better for all of us. At The CRM Team, we joined the Agile revolution, and it’s now the only implementation method that we use. They no longer can afford to be locked into long IT projects that, once set in motion, can’t be changed or adjusted. In a changing world, speed and the agility now matter to customers. It worked, was reliable and suited IT professionals. Waterfall methodology used to be the way all IT deployments were done.

Waterfall vs agile